
- Comments on any article that violates the rules: writting offensive messages, insults, private information, etc, will be moderated/deteled.
- Sharing main links (MEGA) on other sites is not allowed. Include always the URL of the article you want to share with other people.

- Posts are to be made in the relevant forum/category. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting.
- Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.
- Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc, specially for Tasker creations.
- Members are asked only to post in English, as this is an English speaking community. (we will add support for more languages in the future)

It is not allowed:
- Writing offensive or sexual messages of any kind. This category includes: insults, unpleasant or violent situations, blasphemy/harassment of users, hentai, yaoi, sexual orientation, sexual photos, sex symbols (especially symbols representing parts of the male or female body), or any type of speech *rude*.(And the use of spaces, symbols, or creative writing to try to hide these words does not fool anyone).
- Discussion of any illegal activity or threats of violence (ie. threats of suicide, self-harm, or physical harm).
- Share any personal data such as: passwords, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
- Discuss religious or political views anywhere.
- Capital letters = Shout, avoid this as much as possible. As in any virtual place, writing in capital letters is similar to being shouting in a public place, for that reason the use of capital letters is allowed only if the circumstances warrant it. Excessive use of capital letters leads to the elimination of comments from the offender.

Discussion topics should be related with the topic of the group. Any comment that is out of this area should be private communicated by the corresponding user.

  • These rules are applicable to all available chats on TPC (TPC Chat, Telegram, WhatsApp, Slack).
  • These rules are fully applicable to Main Site and its Forum.